My first Gay sex with mid aged guy

Howdy! Indian gay site lovers. This is Balaji from Pondicherry. I’m going to portray a late episode of my first Gay sex that befell me as of late.

I am a lean minimal shadowy and fit 23years indiscriminate, I used to visit in hurray and other online sites with individuals of common affections for a long while however constantly abstained from reaching them or imparting my telephone number yet there is an individual in my yahoo companions list who was smooth in spite of my sudden logged off status after his solicitation for my portable number or to reach me. He used to talk pleasantly generally short yet never examined anything like what he will do on the off chance that I am with him. After few months of visit I consented to reach him as of late when he offered that we can simply meet and talk and I can leave after that and no dedication about sex.

So according to his bearing I arrived at a loft to meet this individual who I have never seen or even his pic however knows beyond any doubt that he is a decent individual. When I was holding up in my bicycle close to the condo an alternate bike came and the individual who was riding it picked his telephone and called and it was for me. I understood this is the individual who I was talking with as such. He was minimal fat and had whiskers and I know he is 30ys. I then lamented my choice of reaching him just by envisioning me with a husky fellow however for courtesy I went to his apartment. It was plunge and I saw his portrait with a lady who is his wife and was not home around then.

At that point he began talking why delay for having gay sex and what made u think u need gay sex in ahead of all comers and stuffs like that and he invited me with soda pop which I was drinking gradually in his eating table. At that point he said he has just 2 prior hours he needs to go to get his wife from employment. We were discussing stuffs like how gay sex is not a transgression until unless u propels somebody into doing it.

I generally talked with him saying I’m a base so he solicited have u ever imagined from being fucked for which I nodded adversely saying I just longed for giving slippery caress. At that point he prompted that I ought to attempt it first with an individual I truly like and check whether I am truly into this or not. I said I will attempt in future and will choose beyond any doubt. And after that when a large portion of the discussions are over when I said I’m leaving he offered that I ought to see him bare in his quaint little inn how I respond. On listening to this, my dick got raised and I took a gander at my dick and said stay down. He chuckled at took me to his room.

He undressed speedy first his shirt took after by his jeans and was just in his clothing and lying in his bunk. For reasons unknown I rapidly twisted down like I comprehend what to do and delicately uprooted his clothing a little and he raised his waist so I can evacuate it completely. I was giving his full erect dick a hand job for some time and he continued playing with my hair delicately. At that point I assembled bravery and put his dick in my mouth. I began to provide for him a slippery caress. My first ever penis massage; that excessively a fellow with a stomach yet a decent individual as you may already know. At that point he encouraged to manage without my teeth scratching his dick. I did as he said. My dick is additionally totally erect starting now and after 5 or somewhere in the vicinity min of penis massage he said wont u be agreeable without your garments and like a slave to his expert’s charge I evacuated my garments and my dick was more than glad to be out free and remaining up.

At that point he requested that me kiss him in the event that its alright, and I did so it was essentially wonderful. I was kissing a man and he responded with so much energy that I don’t crave releasing it for ever. It felt like I am feeling within a rose. I am sleeping over a gentleman in his 30s and kissing him holding his neck and him holding my butt. When we at long last chose to stop the delight he articulated delicately u were so great and your butt is something I need to fuck or I will never kick the bucket in peace. At the point when an enthusiastic beau, my first dick in my mouth asks this how I could say no. So I said I might want to attempt. He cautioned this may be terrible and was arriving at for condom in his pantry while saying have you ever had a go at putting ear bud in your ear and when u do that which is feeling delight the bud or the ear and I said ear and he answered with a devious grin that ear is your butt hole. I was shaking and can hardly wait to attempt it.

He tore the wrapper of condom and I asked would I be able to place that in your dick and he gave the underhanded grin again and said obviously u can sweet heart. Also I stacked the condom with his dick and after that he made me twist over against the quaint little inn gradually embeddings his thick hot gorgeous dick in my virgin butt hole. He withdrew a little and embedded further and he was totally inside my butt hole. It was so excruciating however I bit my lips as I felt a weird joy in it. Furthermore he began stroking his dick in my ass holding my touchy hip. Yes, I am consistently fucked without precedent for my life. I am consistently fucked my 8inch dick that is to a great degree terrible and providing for me delight more than a scale could measure. I was groaning ahhh… Yessss. My god. Plz. Plz. Plz. He asked is it frightful and I shutting my eyes as tight as I could say in a horny voice don’t stop. Don’t u dare stop.

I even said I couldn’t care less regardless of the fact that u r assaulting me simply don’t quit fucking me. My dick is similar to a pole standing straight and was getting all the blood from my body. He asked me do u need me to cum in your butt itself and I answered no, I need it in my mouth. He withdrew before he could peak. He said then merit it my giving a great penis massage now. I attempted to uproot the condom; he is standing and I’m stooping down. He said don’t uproot taste your rear-end first. So I sucked greetings with the condom. I didn’t peaceful like the latex in my mouth however I wouldn’t fret. At that point he allowed to uproot the condom and I am sucking his dick which recently gone by my rear-end. He was moving his hip musically and fucking my mouth gradually the pace got and he said I’m going to cum. I flickered and continued going his hand holding my hair helping him fuck my mouth quicker, then hot fluid filled my mouth, trickling through my mouth and I drank it.

We both kissed after that and he demonstrated restroom for me to
