Indian Gay sex story – Manjeet and Mika – Part 2

Click here to read Indian Gay sex story – Manjeet and Mika – Part 1

Two weeks had past since Manjeet slept with Mika. Manjeet was distraught. Things were still awkward between Manjeet and Mika. Manjeet felt cheated by his roommate. Manjeet thought ‘How could he (Mika) say he wasn’t Gay, yet wanted to have sex with me.’ Manjeet was writing his French paper, while drink a bottle beer when Mika came in.

“Hey Manjeet, how’s your essay going?” Mika asked.

“It’s going okay. How’s your day?” Manjeet replied.

“That’s good. My day was fine. Amaan and I went to the library and looked for sources for our History paper.” Mika said.

“Isn’t that due like in a month?” Manjeet asked.

“Yes but it’s never too late to start.” Mika said.

All throughout the conversation, Manjeet drooled over the sight of Mika. Mika’s hot ass body was looked perfect under the light. Manjeet wanted to jump Mika and fuck him instantly but stopped himself from doing it.

“Mika, I’m sorry for what happened two weeks ago but it was you who initiated the pass at me.” Manjeet bluntly said.

“Look, Manjeet, I was drunk. My mind was fucked. I didn’t know what I was doing. Next time I’ll never make a pass at you.” Mika said.

“Were you drunk when the day before the Bio midterm, that’s when you kissed me?” Manjeet furiously asked standing up.

“I AM NOT GAY! Manjeet, I did not know what I was doing. Fuck off!” Mika yelled and went straight to his room.

Manjeet angrily sat back down on the chair and immediately drank the rest of his beer. He went to the fridge and got another one and thought to himself, ‘Am I going to become an alcoholic.’ For the rest of the night Manjeet worked on his French paper.

The next day Manjeet ran into Amaan going to Biology.

“Have you talked to Mika?” Manjeet asked.

“Yes I have. We are going to Divya’s house party this Saturday together, you coming?” Amaan asked.

“Oh, really, that’s good to know. I don’t think so, I’m busy.” Manjeet said.

As they went into the classroom, Manjeet spotted Manoj, one of the guys from the soccer team. Manjeet figured out Manoj’s name when he partnered with him for his Bio lab. Manjeet looked away from Manoj and followed Amaan to tier seats. Manoj was 6 feet tall and was extremely athletic. He worked out five times a week and played soccer. He had black hair and today wore his black denim jeans, and a white t-shirt that showed his big chest and hot pecs. Mika came in late and both Amaan and Manjeet observed that Mika smelled like pot and booze. After class, both Amaan and Manjeet forced Mika to their room. Once the three got into the room, Amaan firmly questioned Mika’s uses of alcohol and pot.

“Miku, did you smoke pot and drink booze before you went to biology class?” Amaan asked.

“Why do you care, everybody does it. I went O’Henry’s Pub and drank a few beers, Hehe.” Mika said.

“Everybody smokes pot? I don’t smoke. Do you Manjeet?” Amaan asked.

“Um actually I’ve tried it and it alright.” Manjeet said smiling.

“Manjeet! You are not helping my case.” Annlise retorted.

“See even the fag smokes.” Mika said.

Manjeet looked at Amaan and then at Mika.

“Don’t you fucking call me that. The correct term is homosexual or Gay!” Manjeet yelled.

“Manjeet, calm down. Mika don’t ever say that again.” Amaan said in a soft voice.

“Manjeet’s a fag, fag and fag.” Mika said laughing.

Manjeet lost his patience. Manjeet punched Mika in the face. Amaan screamed for Manjeet to stop and tried to do so but he pushed her away.

“You mother fucker. I’m Gay not a fag. Fuck you! If I’m a fag, your a fag too, your the one who wanted to fuck me.” Manjeet yelled.

After punching Mika several times, Manjeet stopped. Amaan was crying and went over to help Mika with his bloody face. Manjeet immediately left his dorm and quickly headed to the library. He went toward the History section and looked for sources for his paper. Manjeet was pissed off at Mika. ‘A fag, really, fag, that’s what he, called me, that fucker’ Manjeet thought to himself. While he was looking for sources, he heard a voice and turned around. It was Manoj. He looked fucking hot as usual.

“Hey Manjeet, how’s it going?” Manoj asked.

“Hey Manoj, not well!” Manjeet replied.

“Not well, why is that?” Manoj asked.

“Got into a fight with my roommate, dorm problems.” Manjeet responded.

“Ah, I see. Yeah, that tends to happen.” Manoj said.

Manjeet laughed.

“What are you doing here, coming here to study or play soccer?” Manjeet said


“Haha, your funny dude. Actually I came to study for my Chemistry quiz.” Manoj said.

“Cool, How’s Chem 101 for ya?” Manjeet asked.

“Well it’s alright. I’m a Bio type of guy. By any chance, do you know anything about Chem?” Manoj asked.

“Haha, your funny. I absolutely hate Chem. God I have nightmares just thinking of it” Manjeet said.

“Haha. Yes it’s hard.” Manoj asked.

“So how’s soccer this term?” Manjeet asked.

“It great, actually. We’ve won all our games except two.” Manoj boasted.

“Wow, that’s swell. I’m a hockey guy so I don’t pay any attention to soccer, haha” Manjeet said.

“Really, come on man, soccer beats hockey. You run, it’s outside, in the sun.” Manoj said laughing.

“Um, yeah well it sometimes rains, so hockey does beat soccer. At least we have an outfit that warms us up.” Manjeet asked.

“Alright, alright you win.” Manoj said.

Manjeet and Manoj kept on talking for two hours. Manoj never actually studied for his Chemistry quiz. Manoj asked Manjeet if he could come to his dorm to study for upcoming exams. Manjeet said yes. Manjeet did not want to go back to his dorm, so he texted Amaan and she said he could stay at her dorm. Her roommate had left college due to family tragedy and thus Manjeet would have the dorm to himself. Finally Saturday came. Mika completely ignored Manjeet for the last four days. He did not utter say a single word to Manjeet. Manjeet was happy with that. Mika and Amaan at around six left for the house party. Manjeet left his dorm and went to Manoj’s dorm which was in the next building. Finally Manjeet came to Manoj’s dorm. It was huge. Manjeet was amazed. Manoj was alone and was waiting for Manjeet. Manoj was wearing a white and blue buttoned shirt and dark blue denim jeans. Manjeet felt his cock bulge and when Manoj was not looking, Manjeet looked to see if his bulge was showing. It was hidden and Manjeet felt relieved.

“What would you like to drink, beer or whiskey?” Manoj asked Manjeet.

“A whiskey is fine for now.” Manjeet said.

“Sure thing, you can go into my room. That’s where I study.” Manoj said.

Manjeet mind flashed with several visions of what could happen. Manjeet thought

‘Manjeet you horny devil. Stop thinking of his hot stud, he’s straight.’

“Okay, thanks for letting me know.” Manjeet said going to into the bedroom.

Wow! Manjeet thought. He saw five shelfs full of soccer awards and medals. ‘Wow, this kid sure does like to be competitive’ Manjeet thought.

“I’m back! Here’s your drink Manjeet.” Manoj said giving the drink to Manjeet.

“Thanks, mhmm taste’s good.” Manjeet said tasting the drink.

“Yeah well, that’s my other hobby, I bar tend.” Manoj said.

The conversation went on and on. It was until 8:30 when they started to study. Finally they were studying for Bio when Manoj asked.

“So do you have girlfriend, Manjeet”.

“Um no, I don’t. I broke up with her after prom as she was going to university in Calicut.” Manjeet said.

“Cool. That’s cool. Yes I broke up with mine just before college started.” Manoj said.

“Oh sorry about that.” Manjeet said.

“No, no, no it’s okay. I didn’t like her anyways. She was demanding.” Manoj said.

They continued studying until 10:00 when Manoj stopped and asked Manjeet a question.

“Manjeet, want to ask you a question.” Manoj said.

“Shoot up the question.” Manjeet said.

“Um, well, um are you Gay?” Manoj hesitantly asked.

Manjeet was shocked and horrified. How did Manoj find out he was Gay?

“Haha, no I’m not. Haha, why’d you ask?” Manjeet asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were. I just-. I’m g-Gay. I was thinking-” Manoj said

“Oh, Manoj. I didn’t know. Manoj, actually I am Gay.” Manjeet said confidently.

Manoj’s face lightened up and leaned over and started kissing Manjeet’s lips, ear and neck. Manjeet was in shock. Here he was at Manoj’s dorm being kissed by Manoj himself. Manjeet kissed back passionately. Manoj moved his hands towards Manjeet’s shirt and quickly took it off showing Manjeet’s chest. His chest was big but not as big as Manoj’s. Manjeet moved his hands and slowly unbuttoned Manoj’s shirt revealing Manoj’s big ass chest and his hardened pecs.
